Homeopathic Medicines for Hyperactive Child or ADHD Treatment
ADHD refers to a chronic biobehavioral disorder that initially manifests in childhood and is characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention. These symptoms can lead to difficulty in academic, emotional, and social functioning. The diagnosis is established by satisfying specific criteria and may be associated with other neurological, significant behavioral, and/or developmental/learning disabilities. All of the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity must have persisted for at least six months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with the developmental level of the child.
- The child often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work, or other activities.
- The child often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities.
- The child often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly.
- The child often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions).
- The child often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities.
- The child often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework).
- The child often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (toys, school assignments, pencils, books, or tools).
- The child is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli.
- The child is often forgetful in daily activities.
- The child often fidgets with his/her hands or feet or squirms in his/her seat
- The child often leaves his/her seat in the classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected.
- The child often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate.
- The child often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly
- The child often talks excessively.
- The child often blurts out answers before questions have been completed.
- The child often has difficulty awaiting his/her turn
- The child often interrupts or intrudes on others (for example, butts into conversations or games).
Role of Homeopathy
Homeopathy helps a lot in ADHD children. If treated with homeopathy constitutionally way of treatment after taking a thorough case history then this can be cured permanently. In our Multicare homeopathy online treatment center many ADHD children have benefitted using our advanced homeopathic treatment packages. We apply the most scientific and research based homeopathy treatment package for this ailment that gives a long standing cure from this condition.
Major Cause of ADHD
Genetics - Genetics are a factor in about 75 percent of all ADHD cases.
Toxins & others - alcohol and tobacco using during pregnancy and environmental exposure to lead are the cause of developing ADHD. Complications during pregnancy and birth—including premature birth—might also play a role.
Diet – habit of taking various junk foods colored with artificial food colors, the preservatives helps to store the food for long periods are also some major cause of ADHD.
Social – children who have suffered from violence and emotional abuse, family disturbances of parents, lack of proper care and affection can develop ADHD
Pathophysiology of ADHD
The outer surface of the brain called cerebral cortex is divided into 4 lobes – the temporal, occipital, parietal, and frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is involved mainly with the functions of problem solving, attention, reasoning, planning. ADHD children usually have deficits in these functions. In ADHD there is delay in development of certain brain structures especially the frontal cortex and temporal lobe, which are believed to be responsible for the ability to control and focus thinking. It is also found of low level of neurotransmitter dopamine that could be the cause of development of ADHD
Homeopathy Treatment
Homeopathy treatment is based on the totality of symptoms i.e. selection of the right remedy considering the total symptoms of the patient that include physical, mental and spiritual entity. Homeopathy helps to treat the disease at its deep seated causative point so able to cure the disease in its actual term. In ADHD the frontal lobe of the brain is not well developed which responsible for the slow expression of the executive function like problem solving, attention, reasoning, planning etc. That’s why the child behaves in an abnormal way. Here one question comes in mind why that part of brain responsible for executive function develop slow while in other’s child case its development is normal though both are exposed to the same environment, diet and social attachment. Yes genetics can play a major role but if the genetic is the only reason for ADHD development then why only 75% of ADHD child have the hereditary etiology why not 100%. So besides that there is something hidden dynamic causative factor that plays a major role in controlling, expressing and developing of all those pathological changes at the physical level that stands for ADHD disorders. If that could be treated successfully then automatically the pathogenesis of ADHD will gradually change to normal. The pathogenesis of slow development of frontal cortex or low synthesis of neurotransmitter dopamine are just the physical manifestation at the brain tissue level of some internal deranged dynamic causative factor which till yet has not been detected by the medical science. Its present is not at the physical level rather at the emotional or dynamic level which need to be fixed. A proper homeopathy treatment based on body mind spirit level of holistic approach can able to cure this disorder permanently.
Homeopathy medicines for Hyperactive Child or ADHD
- Chamomilla
- Ignatia
- Pulsatilla
- Sepia
Before you consume any homeopathy medicine, contact an expert immediately. It would be better for you.
About Multicare Online Homeopathy Treatment Center
Multicare Online Homeopathy Treatment Center is a well established homeopathy treatment center in India offering the online treatments to thousands and thousands of patients not only in India but throughout the globe. Many critical cases have been successfully cured by Dr.Satapathy's treatment who is the founder of this world renounced modern homeopathy treatment center. Homeopathy is new age medicines. Homeopathy treatment needs a lot of experiences. We have patients in all over the world. We are one of the renounce homeopathy treatment centers who offer a scientific and advanced way of homeopathy treatment to his all patients.
About Dr.Satapathy’s unique approach of treatment
Dr.Rangadhar Satapathy.MD(Hom) is a well experienced globally recognized homeopathic physician treating patients from more than 65 countries and has an excellent track record of cure rate more than 92 % in different diseases. Many critical non curable cases has been successfully cured by his modern, scientific, and advanced approach of homeopathy treatment. He has proved in his treatment that homeopathy works and gives better result in many diseases both in acute and chronic cases than the usual conventional treatment.
How to start treatment
You can start your ADHD treatment online in our Multicare Online Homeopathy Treatment Center. How to start please CLICK HERE